• Start date: Aug 01, 2018
  • Institution:
    University of Waterloo, Canada
  • E-mail:

“Safe and Just Space” for Small Islands Developing States (SIDS): Co-Relating Environmental and Social Performance in the Caribbean

This research aims to analyze the environmental and social performance of 5 Small Island Developing States (SIDS) using the "Safe and Just Space" framework, that is proposed as an extension of the Planetary Boundaries framework. The case studies are: Trinidad & Tobago, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Cuba and Haiti. These countries were chosen using a set of criteria to represent the Caribbean region as a whole, and will test the methodology proposed by O’Neill et al. (2018), where a first global assessment using this framework was undertaken. In analyzing these country cases, this study will be the first to represent the Caribbean region to uncover specific co-relations between social and environmental performance, and outline potentials for a sustainability transition.
