• Start date: Sep 01, 2019
  • Institution:
    University of Waterloo, Canada
  • Researcher(s):
    Syed Asher Imam
  • Supervisor(s):
    Dr. Simron J. Singh; Dr. Sean Geobey

Achieving Resource Circularity in the Caribbean: Opportunities from the Perspective of Social Innovation

Drawing on the concept of industrial symbiosis, this study aims to identify and strengthen the capacities of social entrepreneurs, as well as capabilities of businesses in Small Island Developing States (SIDS). Industrial symbiosis has been proven to be highly effective in analysing and supporting local economic development through resource circularity. The research will answer the following questions: What are the obstacles and benefits available (social, economic & environmental) for entrepreneurs and businesses in achieving circular economy through industrial symbiosis? What are the social and ecological effect of collaboration between industries? More specifically, how SIDS can be self-sufficient by reducing its heavy dependency on import of critical resources. What are the lessons that can be learned from existing industrial symbiosis practices in European countries, and potentially applicable to SIDS. The case studies for this research are: Trinidad Tobago, Jamaica and Puerto Rico.     
