A brief history and comparative study of Single-use Plastic Bag (SUPB) Bans in Caribbean Small Island Developing States (SIDS): Jamaica and Antigua & Barbuda

This paper examines the history of single-use plastic bag (SUPB) policies and analyzes the impact of global trends and prescriptive literature to better understand SUPB bans in the Caribbean Small Island Developing States (SIDS) Jamaica and Antigua and Barbuda. It was found that SUPB policies within developing countries have emerged as a result of acute waste management concerns, while in developed countries they are as a result of lobbying and changing global norms. The literature identifies nine (9) criteria which should be included as elements of SUPB bans. These include: enforceability, public education programs, sentiments of public support, local and regional partnerships, consultation, equitable implementation, a phased implementation timeline, monitoring and evaluation procedures along with inclusions of supplementary measures i.e. recycling policies, incentives for SUPB substitutes undergirded by the prevention of undesirable alternatives. While Jamaica fulfilled seven of the criteria outlined, Antigua fulfilled four. It is believed that owing to the fact that Antigua is the first Small Island Developing State to implement a SUPB ban, the benefit of regional observation was not attained.
