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Write a sprint instruction page

Created on Thursday 3 June 2021, 07:51

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  • ID
  • Project
    Metabolism of Cities Data Hub
  • Status
  • Priority
  • Type
    Communication and engagement
  • Tags
    Data Hub Priority Plan 2021 General data hub improvements
  • Assigned to
    No one yet
  • Subscribers
    Paul Hoekman

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We have people ready in our community to help, and we have sprints that can bring people together on set dates. However, we have not yet properly documented how people can get involved. Here is an example of how people can be guided in this process. Having something like this will greatly help our sprints be effective, and likely increases retention and lowers the overhead time spent on guiding new (and old, but less active) members.

This document can be written as a Google doc and we will embed it on the site when it's ready.

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