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Define a clear procedure for activating new cities

Created on Saturday 5 June 2021, 06:00

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  • ID
  • Project
    Metabolism of Cities Data Hub
  • Status
  • Priority
  • Type
    Communication and engagement
  • Tags
    General data hub improvements
  • Assigned to
    No one yet
  • Subscribers
    Paul Hoekman
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At the moment we don't have a very clearly defined procedure for adding new cities. If people ask for a new portal, we open it. However, there is no check in place to make sure people know how to take it forward. Nor is there follow-up. This should be improved. See also the discussion between Aris and Paul.

Here is a rough draft of what needs to be properly thought out and documented:

The procedure should entail:

  • Do the course (or part of it? show they have done the first half? let's think of a good parameter.)
  • Somewhere state what their goals are for their city
  • With that information documented we can open the new city dashboard (where to request? same place as before?)
  • There should ideally be someone on our side who follows up on these requests: a person who activates the dashboards and who responds to queries. This person should also follow up (by email?) say 2 weeks after activation to see how things are going

Here is a draft page where we would publish the procedure. If you have access to editing this, go ahead. If not, you are most welcome to write things up in a Google Doc or simply in the comments here, and we will then publish this.

This task should be done with someone who has worked on one of the cities - ideally someone who has also done the data collection course and knows what that entails, so that there is enough familiarity with the data hub to think about the procedure in full. Questions and comments most welcome.

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