MoI invites expressions of interest to assist in an online course development.
The Metabolism of Islands (MoI), a twin initiative of Metabolism of Cities - MoC, is a network of scholars conducting policy-relevant research to support small island economies achieve resource security and self-reliance, and transform them into hubs of sustainability innovation. With an anticipated launch in June 2022, MoI is now in the process of developing a 10-week free online course as part of its education, awareness, and capacity-building mandate. The course will be targeted at scholars, civil society, policy, and activist groups working or interested in island sustainability, and will be developed in collaboration with island partner institutions. It will build on the experience of Metabolism of Cities that is already successfully running its online course series in two languages with participants from all over the world.
MoI is inviting expressions of interest from volunteers to assist in the course development. Applicants should indicate their interest in islands and sustainability education, highlight experience if any, and skills they could bring to this initiative (examples of relevant skills: communication, design, software, interview skills, video, and audio recording and editing, web management, etc.). The selected volunteers will work with the founder-coordinator of MoI (Simron Singh) and partner institutions from all over the world. The tasks and time commitment will be mutually agreed upon.
Please write to: info@metabolismofislands.org